Thursday, September 17, 2009

Intro to Printmaking 1: first assignment


Printmaking, X-Actoblade
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SD Printmaking first assignment of the semester included drawing anything to get a feel and look at how what you do effects the visual after rolling the ink on, etc etc. Personally boring for me because I've had plenty of experience with this and haven't been in the mood to do artwork that fits in the palm of my hand. Though finally got a little release on wanting my gasmasks done in my artwork. This isn't Native fallout related but figured I'd just wing this assignment with doing any old thing.
I really really disliked whatever this cardboard we used for a base. Paper is paper, and cutting and carving in paper isn't really that enjoyable, especially after being used to woodblocks and linoleum for making prints. Displeasure aside this was one of the best of my 5 or so prints that came out of this assignment, and think its ok. Nothing amazing, but ok. My professor did like it, and I did however like the etching effect of the x-actoblade for lines. It reminded me of doing scratchboards which can be a lot of fun and come out nice if effort is put forth.
Overall, first mini-intro to printmaking assignment, thought it came out ok so figured I'd post it.

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