The composition on the right "Ben: Jinnwoo" (http://fc00.deviantart.com/fs8/i/2005/316/5/2/ben__jinnwoo_by_squeakersqueakin.jpg) is a piece I found that really interested in me in color/chroma usage as well as the combination of ink crosshatching. I may not crosshatch with ink, but I do enjoy the look of ink being used as well as paint. A graduate student at the university this past year had done a similar mixed media (ink with paint) and it also had really drawn me to his work. I figured I might as well try to do what is compelling me about this mixed media usage of these two mediums. The dark vs. light in this piece as well as the intense high-contrast usage also has been something Ive liked for a long time.
I'll update with photos of the WIP when I get things down on the canvas.